A List of Direct Mail Fundraising List Brokers and Managers for Your Acquisition or Prospect Mailings.

By Alan Sharpe, CFRE
Nothing is more important in direct mail fundraising than who you mail to. A terrific letter mailed to the wrong list of people will flop. I have a client who mailed a donor acquisition package to people who had not supported his organization but had supported another. The response to his appeal was zero.

The reason is simple. He mailed to a terrible list. His organization helps offenders leave prison and integrate back into society. But he mailed his donor acquisition letter to a list of people who support a non- profit organization that tries to throw offenders in prison and keep them there.

With over 75,000 lists currently on the market, choosing one is no simple task. To find a good list you need a good list broker. Since my agency is asked all the time to where to find good list brokers, we have drawn up a list of some of the best list brokers and list managers in North America that specialize to one degree or another in non-profit fundraising lists.

Atlantic List Company, Inc.
Specializes in non-profits.
Arlington, VA

Donor database managers and list brokers. Canada’s largest.
Toronto, ON

Dunhill International List Company, Inc.
Largest compiler of specialized mailing, telemarketing and email lists.
Boca Raton, FL

Mal Dunn Associates, Inc.
Represents mostly businesses, but works with non-profits as well.
Brewster, NY

Mary Elizabeth Granger & Associates, Inc.
List broker and manager.
Baltimore, MD

Millard Group
Works with major fundraising and membership mailers.
Peterborough NH

Names in the News
List broker and manager for national charitable, environmental, animal protection and cultural organizations.
Oakland, CA

RMI Direct Marketing Inc.
List broker and manager.
Danbury, CT

Specialized Fundraising Services, Inc.
List broker and manager exclusively to non-profits.
Spartanburg, SC

True North List Marketing
Represents mostly businesses, but works with non-profits as well.
Monroe, CT

21st Century Marketing
List broker and manager. One of the largest in North America.
Farmingdale, NY

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